A Writer’s Guide Into Genre Selection

From blank page to bestseller - Genre Selection -The ultimate weapon in your writing arsenal

Genres are like labels on books that tell readers what to expect. The genre you choose acts as the compass guiding readers through your creative work. It’s a key that unlocks the readers’ curiosity and sets the stage for a lasting literary relationship. Therefore, selecting the right genre is crucial, especially when starting as a writer. This article is your guide to genre selection that helps you craft compelling narratives that captivate readers.

Write Stories You're Passionate About

  • Focusing on the genres that capture your imagination allows you to understand their rules and formats more intimately. When you write about what you love, your passion fuels your storytelling, characters, plot, and setting naturally flow onto the page. 

If you find yourself with a story idea that doesn't neatly fit into your preferred genres, consider expanding your horizons or changing the narrative to find the right fit.

Focus on Your Strengths

  • Picking a genre shouldn’t be difficult, given that you use the right approach. It can be as straightforward as recognizing your strengths. For instance, if you like horror novels but surprisingly excel at creating romance tales. Why not give it a shot?

Don't confine yourself to writing what aligns with your reading preferences. Many renowned authors go beyond a single genre. For instance, even if you are not a keen reader of children’s literature but have a fantastic idea for a children's story, go for it. Identifying your writing strengths may tame trial and error, but you'll discover your niche over time.

Choose Passion Over Profit

  • Aiming to be the next literary sensation like J.K. Rowling might not be the best approach. If your primary motivation for writing a novel is purely financial, the journey may become less enjoyable and more challenging. 

Pursuing a writing career only for profit, especially in genres that don't resonate with you, can lead to frustration and burnout. Instead, focus on writing stories that align with your passions and interests, and the journey will be more rewarding.

Consider Your Readership

  • While not everyone consciously targets an audience while writing, it's crucial to consider the readers. If you aim to connect with teenagers, craft a story that resonates with their experiences.

For romance writers, the primary audience is typically middle-aged women. Writing romance may not be the best fit if you don't belong to this demographic or struggle to understand their interests.

Experiment With Genres

  • If you're still uncertain about your writing direction, try several short stories spanning different genres. The genre you find most enjoyable is the right one for you. Mixing genres can also be creative, especially if you have diverse ideas. 

Alternatively, mold your chosen genre to suit your unique narrative. Above all, develop your skills and explore what resonates with you. Resist external pressures dictating what you should write. Ultimately, your voice and passion are your best guides.

Clarify The Story Goal

  • The foundation of your story often lies in defining the goal. This goal propels your narrative and shapes the genre you'll be writing on. Consider the tangible objectives your protagonist aims to achieve and the opposing forces they encounter. A concrete goal provides clarity. 

For instance, a goal to uncover a murderer leans towards crime fiction, while a quest to save a kingdom with a mystical object aligns with the fantasy genre. Creating your story around a specific goal will pave the way for a focused and engaging narrative.

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